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U.S. Geological Survey


Exploration Geophysics

Geophysical tools are used worldwide for subsurface hazards investigations and natural resources exploration. Built upon research completed in academia and at a major petroleum industry lab, Legg Geophysical has more than three decades experience in the acquisition, processing, and interpretation of geophysical data. Seismic reflection profiling is used to produce high‑resolution acoustic images of subsurface geological structure and stratigraphy. Legg Geophysical specializes in high‑resolution, multi‑channel, seismic reflection data acquisition, processing, and interpretation. Multi‑Channel Seismic profiling (MCS) represents the state‑of‑the‑art for subsurface investigations following development by the exploration geophysical industry and rapid advancements in computational technology. We have adapted MCS technology from our experience in the oil & gas industry to provide state‑of‑the‑art high‑resolution subsurface imaging needed for all types of geotechnical investigations. Legg Geophysical expertise includes two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) seismic survey acquisition, processing and interpretation. Each project is carefully designed to provide information needed by the client in a cost-effective manner. Legg Geophysical computer workstations are loaded with proprietary and commercial software necessary for processing and analysis/interpretation of MCS and other data such as sample locations, well logs, published geological maps, digital elevation models (DEM), and other cultural data.

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Hazards & Risk Assessment

Legg Geophysical has accumulated more than 30 years experience in assessing Effects and Consequences for several types of Natural and Human‑Caused Hazards. Expertise gained in earthquake and tsunami research over the past three decades provide the requisite background to understand and assist clients in evaluation of potential losses from these catastrophic events.

Legg Geophysical has completed several thousand Seismic Risk Assessments (SRA) required by lending and government agencies to estimate the direct (and sometimes indirect) losses from earthquakes that may affect commercial and government properties. Hazard assessments for major facilities and infrastructure, both existing and planned for construction, have been performed to investigate all forms of hazards relevant to earthquake (shaking, ground rupture, liquefaction, landslide, inundation) and for other geological hazards such as lava flow inundation on the Island of Hawaii. Human‑Caused hazards and risk assessments performed by Legg Geophysical have focused on Blast effects, and in particular, atmospheric propagation of blast waves and sonic boom that may damage property or injure humans exposed to the threat. In addition, HAZOP studies for investigation of hazards related to release of toxic materials (often through earthquake events) or rupture of underground pipelines have been performed. Vibration Hazards due to human activities such as construction, freeway traffic, seismic exploration, blasting, or drilling have been investigated for sensitive facilities (hospitals), commercial properties, and residential neighborhoods.

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